Enjoy This Exclusive KEEPERS OF HUMANITY Interview!

Brooke Medicine Eagle

The Last Ghost Dance:
Stepping into the New Earth

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Brooke’s Free Gift to You:

Brooke has kindly shared a ceremony done with her WE ARE EARTHKEEPERS group to call in the NEW EARTH of harmony, peace, and abundance. Brooke thinks you will find it powerful and beneficial now, and as time moves on.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The video passcode is @R6a2E64

You are also invited to join Brooke for powerful Earth prayers every month. Click here to sign up to join WE ARE EARTHKEEPERS.

Brooke Medicine Eagle is a legendary indigenous EarthKeeper, wisdom teacher, women's mysteries carrier, healing & shamanic practitioner, visionary, singer/songwriter, ceremonialist, sacred ecologist, and catalyst for wholeness.

She is the author of the American literary classic, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing, and The Last Ghost Dance. Her music recordings, teachings, writings, and wilderness spiritual retreats have touched the hearts and minds of people worldwide.

Brooke is a sacred ecologist with a focused interest in promoting a conscious and sensuous relationship to All Life, and to living a harmonious, regenerative lifestyle — an elder sister and guide, offering a lifetime of ancient & modern wisdom for your wellness, thriving & prospering.

Her current focus is on health & Embodying Spirit, and the empowerment of women through ancient, indigenous traditional ways of moon time and women’s mysteries. Her work with White Buffalo Woman gives foundation to the Wholeness that is true health, as well as the power and magic of the Feminine.

Brooke will continue to travel internationally to support the birthing of a new human paradigm of peace, harmony, and sustainable living for the flowering of individuals, Mother Earth, and All Our Relations. She enjoys the experience of being a Gaian citizen.

To learn more about Brooke’s work, please click here.