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Divine Harmony

As Above, So Below:
Why We Need New Myths to Save Humanity

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Harmony’s Free Gift to You:

Anchoring the Age of Aquarius On-Demand Masterclass

What you'll learn about:

  • The Astrological Ages

  • Sirius the Spiritual Sun of our sun

  • The rise of the Divine Feminine

  • How we each can contribute to this new age

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Divine Harmony is a mother, mystic, astrologer, writer, and teacher. With her background in Depth Psychology and Spirituality, she works to weave together the Dark and the Light, the mundane and the sacred, the depths and the heights to support personal awakening, healing, and wholeness. She sees astrology as an amazing alchemical tool for self-understanding and living a more conscious, integrated life.

Her work includes teaching at festivals, teaching astrology classes online, writing extensively, and consulting with clients. She has a special interest in the Divine Feminine, the Dark Feminine, Shadow Work, Conscious Relationship, and learning how to raise the new children incarnating on the planet today.

To learn more about Harmony’s work, please click here.