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Elena Brower

The Heart of Presence

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Gift 1) Rituals for Reality: Short practices to welcome more thoughtfulness, patience, and steadiness into your world.

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Mother, mentor, poet, artist, volunteer, bestselling author, and host of the Practice You Podcast, Elena Brower has taught yoga and meditation since 1999.

After graduating from Cornell University in 1992, she designed textiles and apparel for almost a decade before shifting her focus to yoga, meditation, art, and writing. Her books, Art of Attention, Practice You, Being You, and Softening Time, walk us through stages of practice, life, and listening. Elena's Perceptive Parenting audio course is a key resource for parents. Her yoga practices and meditations are featured on Glo.

She works to elevate bright futures for girls, women, and children through her support for Girls on Fire Leaders, On The Inside, and Free Food Kitchen. She received the Buddhist Precepts from Roshi Joan Halifax in 2023 and is now a candidate for Chaplaincy. Her spoken word poetry can be heard on Above & Beyond's Flow State albums, and her weekly blog is on Substack at Softening Time.

To learn more about Elena’s work, please click here.