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Grandmother Flordemayo

The Vision of The Golden Child

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We invite you to explore these additional gifts from Grandmother Flordemayo, The Path, and Love and Light, curated especially for you. Click each gift to claim them!

A Spiritual Journey with Mother Earth

Embrace The Renewal of Spring

Navigating The Path of Love

The Year of the Dragon - 2024

Harmony Within - 2024 Spiritual Guide

Born the youngest of 15 children in the highlands of Central America, Grandmother Flordemayo was found at an early age — like others in her family — to have the gift of Sight. By age four, she was being trained in the art of curanderismo, which had been handed down from mother to daughter for many generations. Flordemayo’s mother was a midwife and healer, and taught her daughters the use of herbs, women’s medicine, and how women are to honor and care for our Mother Earth.

Flordemayo now lives in New Mexico. She is a frequent presenter at national and international conferences and events, universities, and colleges. Since 1999, she has been part of the Wisdom of the Grandmothers’ Foundation.

Currently, in addition to her independent work as a Universal Healer, featured speaker, and woman of prayer, she is the Founder of The Path, a 501(c)3 dedicated to the preservation of traditional knowledge and heritage seeds. Through her work with The Path, Flordemayo maintains a seed bank and holds gatherings to further educate and raise awareness of the importance of seeds. For without these seeds of the Earth in the hands of the people, our future would be threatened.

Flordemayo travels our beautiful Mother Earth to share her teachings and healing gifts, inspiring and fostering more spiritual understanding among people, so that all people may unite as one.

Flordemayo is now formally recognized as the keeper of her family’s sacred staff which has been passed down for 12 generations. She works as a healer/curandera and considers her Mayan heritage a keystone of her work.

She is a founding member of the Church of the Spiritual Path, the Confederation of Indigenous Elders of the America, the Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge, The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, and The Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations.

To learn more about Grandmother Flordemayo’s work, please click here.