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Heather Ensworth, Ph.D.

Wisdom From the Stars of Orion & Sirius Guiding Us in Our Ascension in This Time

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Heather Ensworth, Ph.D., is an internationally known astrologer and clinical psychologist with over 30 years of experience. In addition, she is a shamanic practitioner and has facilitated sacred circles for more than 20 years. She is the author of the book Finding Our Center: Wisdom From the Stars and Planets in Times of Change, and co-author of two books, From Trauma to Freedom: One Woman’s Journey and A Holistic Guide for Healing, as well as Higher Vibrational Living: Through Astrology, Essential Oils and Chinese Medicine.

Heather also shares astrological information on her YouTube channel and in her monthly newsletter. She is committed to exploring and teaching ancient wisdom and healing practices for our own evolution and healing and the healing of the Earth.

To learn more about Heather’s work, please click here.