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Laura Hollick

Creating the Future is Art

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Laura’s Free Gift to You:

Heal Your Core Wound with Soul Art

Experience this empowering healing process to unearth the deeper issues holding you back and discover how you can liberate yourself with creative energy.

You don’t need art experience to benefit greatly from this Soul Art process. All you need is the desire to heal and the courage to express your creativity.

Heal Your Core Wound with Soul Art illuminates your true power and your purposeful path.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!

Laura Hollick is an award-winning artist and visionary guide. She is known as a Soul Artist, creating art using herself as an art medium.

After walking 10,000 km on a Vision Quest, Laura clarified her purpose and dove into business to realize it. Her work has been seen in solo exhibits at the Carnegie Gallery and Musea, along with numerous global art events such as International Soul Art Day, Yoni Art Fest, and the nü Icon Movie.

Laura’s creative processes have been shared and taught around the world through her Soul Art Certification and Yoni Art Certification. BRAVO TV created a documentary about Laura’s art and life called The Artist’s Life: Laura Hollick. Laura hosted and produced over 500 radio shows on 93.3 FM CFMU called The Artist’s Lifestyle. Laura led a TEDx talk called You are the Art.

To learn more about Laura’s work, please click here.