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Naba Iritah Shenmira

The Dogon Understanding of Time & Space:
Earth's Dialogue of Energies

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Naba Iritah Shenmira is a priest and healer from the Dogon bloodline of Meritah (Africa). With guidance from the Ancestors and Elders of the Gulmu lineage of Burkina Faso, as well as various kingships, Iritah has been chosen to continue the work begun by his father, Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, to reunite the traditional cultures of the world and preserve Kemetic culture.

Iritah has undergone many initiations and worked with many traditional priests, including training intensely with his father in the last few years of his life. He is a temple and wisdom keeper and shares this knowledge with the West, uniting people from all backgrounds. He is now the Director of the M’TAM Mystery School Temples worldwide and currently serves as the Executive Director of Ankhkasta Natural Healing.

Iritah is the co-author of Book of Purifications, Initiatic Tales of Hej-Ptah, and Philosophy Podium: A Dogon Perspective. He leads annual pilgrimages to West Africa and is an experienced lecturer in French and English.

To learn more about Iritah’s work, please click here.