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Patricia Awyan Lehman

Primordial Womb of Consciousness

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Enjoy a $50 discount on Patricia's Stars Over Egypt tour in November 2024!

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Patricia Awyan Lehman — Speaker, Researcher, Writer, & Explorer.

As a long-time student in metaphysical, spiritual, and indigenous traditions, Patricia’s eclectic spiritual background serves as a strong foundation to support her work. Her lifelong passion for knowing why and how we exist led her to the in-depth study of the esoteric sciences as well as the physical sciences, comparative religions, ancient literature, mythology, art history, and symbolism. All of this was an incredible preparation for the level of research that she is currently undertaking in Egypt.

The Neteru, Mythology, and Symbolism of ancient Egypt all combine to give us a brilliant vision and understanding of the genesis of mankind, and how we eternally cycle through dimensions and stages of consciousness. They have given us an alchemical map for how we can work with these natural and archetypal energies and patterns to traverse these dimensional portals in any NOW moment.

Patricia became a student of the work of the Egyptian indigenous wisdom keeper, Abd’el Hakim Awyan, on her first trip to Egypt in 2005. Patricia has lived in Egypt for over 14 years and devotes much of her time to the research of ancient symbolism and mythologies worldwide. She has traveled to many ancient sites globally, researching clues that support the concept of a very advanced civilization, both technologically and spiritually, that once spanned the globe thousands of years ago and left a legacy of knowledge and wisdom for us to decipher.

To learn more about Patricia’s work, please click here.