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Sofiah Thom

How to Unlock Our Infinite Potential Through Activating Our Temple Bodies & Birth a New Earth

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A Ritual Dance To Activate Your Divine Sensual Channel, Embody Your Sacred Purpose, & Live Your Yes!

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Sofiah Thom is a Divine Feminine mentor and leader for leaders birthing a new paradigm. She is an author, modern-day temple dancer, sacred performing artist vocalist, and soulpreneur committed to the rise of the Divine Feminine.

Creator of Temple Body Arts® Mystery School for Divine Feminine Leadership, Sofiah mentors women to create a life aligned with their essence and create the divine impact they desire while supporting the Rise of the Divine. She also co-authored the book, The Path of the Priestess: Discover Your Divine Purpose.

Sofiah has been teaching, speaking, and performing in-person and online for over two decades. She creates a powerful container for recognizing one’s infinite potential and divine purpose through sacred embodiment.

Alongside her husband, Brendan, and a handful of visionaries, Sofiah co-founded the Envision Festival in Costa Rica — a global conscious festival. Together, Sofiah and her husband co-founded Danyasa Eco-Retreat in the beautiful beach town of Dominical, Costa Rica.

To learn more about Sofiah’s work, please click here.