Enjoy This Exclusive KEEPERS OF HUMANITY Interview!

Yannick Dubois

Trees as Guardians & Ancestors of Humanity:
Embodied Wisdom of Our Green Kin

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Yannick’s Free Gift to You:

Enjoy a Tree Wisdom online workshop called Inner Forest Grove — A guided drum journey to create a medicine wheel with four tree guardians, one in each of the four directions.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!

Yannick Dubois followed his calling for authentic nature-based spirituality and shamanic initiations from an early age. He inhabits a Yurt in the woods on the edge of Dartmoor Nature Reserve in Devon, where he lives close to the Earth and in sync with the seasons.

He works full-time as a self-employed shamanic artist and workshop leader, with a special focus on Tree Wisdom.

Trained as a social worker and kindergarten educator, he weaves elements of psychology, creative practices, and storytelling into his unique offerings.

Under the name Forestheart, Yannick has been sharing his creative offerings with a wide audience at retreats, conscious festivals, and online events for several years.

To learn more about Yannick’s work, please click here.